How do I place an order?

You can place your order using any of the following methods:

Online: www.hazsigns.com.au
Phone: 1300 DANGER (1300 326 437)
Email: sales@hazsigns.com.au
Fax: (03) 8080-0707

Is it safe to order through your website?

Ordering via the Hazsigns.com.au website is easy and secure. We use SecurePay Australia for all credit card transactions. As every transaction is processed through an external Secure Server, Hazsigns does not store (and cannot) store credit card information.

SecurePay is an industry leader in the processing and protection of sensitive personal Credit Card, Charge Card and Direct Entry Information sector.

How do I receive a formal quotation?

You can receive an official quotation in two of the following ways:

  1. Call our head office on 1300 DANGER (1300 326 437) and anyone from our customer care department can assist immediately.
  2. Visit our website: www.hazsigns.com.au and choose your products and their quantities through our shopping cart. Upon checkout, click on the link: Email this order as a Quote.